Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Your children are pirates (you should hope)

They are tired of paying for things they don't neeed.  They are tired of being taken advantage of but told they can't use their own resources to take that advantage.  They aren't listening anymore, at least you should hope.  You should hope your child is going to try and do something differently.  You should pray every night that your kid is out there doing things that are crazy.  You should cry tears of joy for when they stand up for who they are, when they stick their chins up in pride.

I don't want to march in the street.  I don't want to work with in the system to change things.  I don't want to fight the system from outside it.  I want to be autonomous.  I want to run my business, be my own boss, have people who work for me, with similar ideals and morals.  I want to retire to the woods and live by myself.

Don't ever feel entitled to anything, not life, not liberty, not happiness.  What right do you have to any of those things over the next person.  Entitlement is the same as hopelessness.